By Rick Becker  28 September 2017

 John Bevere’s latest book Killing Kryptonite is due to be released on the 17th of October.  Messenger International sent out three free chapters which are enough for any discerning reader to realise that like his previous books, this one contains serious errors.  As usual, Bevere touts his latest offering as essential reading for all believers. His marketing strategy will no doubt pay off, his claims of receiving direct revelation from God for the whole body of Christ will fool millions of biblically illiterate believers.

Bevere’s false doctrine includes a mix of Word of Faith, prosperity gospel, dominion theology, latter rain, the aberrant teachings of the New Apostolic Reformation, heavy shepherding, covering heresy, and works based Christianity.  While this review covers only the first three chapters, it is clear that Bevere has not repented of his false doctrines, and continues to deceive his followers.

The title Killing Kryptonite obviously comes from the story of comic book hero Superman.  Bevere draws on what he views as the “striking parallels between his story and our life of faith.”  Superman was not from this world, believers are not of this world. Superman had supernatural powers, believers are empowered supernaturally. Superman fought evil, believers fight evil.  Superman draws his strength from the sun, believers draw their strength from the son, etc.
There is however one thing that can weaken Superman: Kryptonite.  This substance was able to neutralize Superman’s powers.  Similarly, for believers “there is a “kryptonite” that neutralizes our God-given “power and character.”

Bevere is adept at putting a positive spin on false doctrine and thereby seducing the spiritually malnourished or passionate but undiscerning reader into his snare.  Simply put, he knows how to bait.  In his book, ironically entitled: The Bait of Satan: Living Free From the Deadly Trap of Offense, Bevere is the one doing the baiting The book begins with the sentence: “The book you hold is quite possibly the most important confrontation with truth you’ll encounter in your lifetime.”  Surely this should apply exclusively to scripture?
In The Power To Change, Bevere makes this claim “approaching change from a completely new paradigm – one that WORKS”  Nothing prior to Bevere’s teaching actually worked?

As usual, Bevere has not been slack generating hype before the release of this book, and his claims are just as outrageous.  The bait for his new book is impressive.  Bevere said he wanted to quit writing Killing Kryptonite numerous times, but apparently, the Holy Spirit said to him:  “son you must write this book” or He would have given it to someone else, he said, because the messages on this page are going to liberate my people and it’s going to restore the power of the kingdom, back into the church” (sic)
source –

He elaborates further in his Introduction to the book: “Father, I’m not sure
I like this book. I want to quit writing it.”  Each time I sensed a stern “No” from the Holy Spirit. Finally, on the last occurrence, He assured me this message will give vital insights to propel building healthy individuals, families, and churches globally.  Its principles could change entire cities.”

Bevere has made sure he has covered all the bases – healthy individuals, families, churches globally, and even cities.  Which naive believer, after reading this would not want a copy of this book?  Pay careful attention to his claims:
“Son, you must write a book” – this means God has something important to say, something we have missed for 2000 years.  Volumes of great commentaries and books have been written by greats like Luther, Spurgeon, and Lloyd-Jones, and not one of them claimed to receive such a direct revelation or instruction from God.  
“because the messages on this page ..” – the messages in scripture have failed, it’s the message in Killing Kryptonite that is going to liberate the church and restore the power of the kingdom.  Only John Bevere has been able to connect the dots in scripture, and present us with a revelation that will affect the church globally.
“He assured me this message will give vital insights..” – are these insights not available through diligent study of the word of God in context?  Is the body of Christ now dependent on one man to be obedient in bringing a message that will breathe new life and power to it?
“Its principles could change entire cities.” – pure dominion theology, post-millennial heresy.  Bevere, Bethel church, and other New Apostolic Reformation teachers deny the conditions of the world as foretold by Christ.  Take note of the claimthe principles in Killing Kryptonite, not scripture, could change cities.
It seems as if scripture is not sufficient or why else would God need this book written so badly, that if Bevere refused, God would have found someone else to write it?
This review could stop at this point; we have sufficient grounds to know that what we have here is a claim of a new revelation directly from the throne room of God.  If God has left us in the dark for the past 2000 years regarding these principles, and Bevere has been given this revelation, then it needs to be added to scripture, literally – 1 John, 2 John, 3 John, Jude, Revelation, Bevere.

In chapter one, Bevere writes: “Since we are the children of such an awesome God, simple logic would conclude we should experience an extraordinary life 
Salvation alone is extraordinary and supernatural, but that does not attract the masses who are looking for power that will help them reach their dreams and live a life of comfort.  The appeal of the New Apostolic Reformation is that we are going to surpass the works of Christ and rule and reign on the earth in this dispensation.  Superpowers, prosperity, vitality, and perfect health are all on the cards for those who buy into this doctrine, which is nothing less than the “American dream” coated with a spiritual veneer.
He then goes on to list what believers are promised in scripture such as God’s divine nature (scripture does teach we are “partakers of the divine nature, 2 Pet 1:3-4), unselfish character, unconditional love and forgiveness and a few others. He includes “supernatural power” in his list (ties in nicely with the Superman narrative)  If Bevere’s idea of how this supernatural power manifests is the same as the New Apostolic Reformation circles or what we see in charismania, then he is deceived.

Also on his list is yet another NAR favourite: “ingenuity, keen insight and creativity”  Scripture does not teach that believers have an advantage over unbelievers when it comes to new inventions, or making scientific discoveries, but the NAR does.  It is part of their seven mountain mandate to conquer and lead in all spheres of society.  

Bevere’s friend Bill Johnson, would be proud of his next sentence: “In short, we are promised the attributes found in heaven.  Recall, Jesus emphatically declares that His kingdom is within us; therefore, His will should be done on earth as it is in heaven  Bevere does not expound on what he means by this, but those in the NAR usually argue that there is no sickness or poverty in heaven therefore we should experience the same on earth, etc.  Bevere repeats much of what he wrote in his book Relentless, and it is just as convoluted.  He then goes on to lament the state of the visible church and asks some questions: “Do we see character, integrity, and morality that are dramatically different from the corruption of our nation?”
He is correct in that believers should be blameless and pure in this crooked and perverse generation, but then he asks: 
“Is there a distinction between believers and unbelievers in our health and well-being? Do we have an abundance of resources? Are we able to meet the needs of others and proclaim His gospel to every person globally?”
Here we have the health and wealth gospel making a predictable appearance. He immediately justifies his prosperity gospel by appealing to the law:
“Does all of this sound too high and lofty? Consider that under the old covenant, there was a time when silver was as common as stone and was considered worthless because there was such a surplus (see 1 Kings 10:21, 27)  On the contrary, now under the new covenant, I frequently encounter ministry leaders who struggle due to limited resources and pastors who desire to help their local communities but can’t due to a lack of manpower, funds, and other resources. In both cases, is this “on earth as it is in heaven”?  

Consider for a moment the ministries that Bevere associates with – Bethel, Hillsong, etc and other ministries deemed successful such as Willowcreek, Potters House and Lakeside. These ministries have manpower and funds because they preach a gospel that tickles ears. Are they examples that Bevere would want us to follow? The Apostle Paul teaches the opposite, at times he suffered no lack, yet there were times when he did:
I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound. In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need.  I can do all things through him who strengthens me.”  Philippians 4:12-13

Bevere is quick to add every prosperity gospel teacher’s disclaimer:
“God is a good Father. He wants to bless His children. But He doesn’t want possessions to possess us. It’s not money, but the “love of money” that is the root of all kinds of evil.”
The preceding verse is always left out by these prosperity teachers:  But those who desire to be rich fall into temptation, into a snare, into many senseless and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction” 1 Tim 6:9

Back to the law again: “There was a time in ancient Israel when there was not one poor person in the entire nation. We read, “All of Judah and Israel lived in peace and safety. And from Dan in the north to Beersheba in the south, each family had its own home and garden” (1 Kings 4:25)…If we examine God’s people in the Old Testament, there were many generations that flourished in an astonishing way—strong economically, socially, and militarily. They had an abundance of resources, food, and wealth. When they experienced military attacks, they weren’t defeated, but on the contrary came out on
top. Other nations marveled at the quality of life they enjoyed. And keep in mind that this was under the old covenant, which is inferior to the new covenant!
Keep in mind, these were promises specifically given to Israel under the old covenant!   Bevere’s reasoning is that if things were so good under the old, how much better should they be under the new: “Jesus is the Mediator of a better covenant, which was established on better promises (see Hebrews 8:6)”  
He is insinuating that believers should have an abundance of resources, food, wealth and an undefeated military.  If Bevere bothered to complete the chapter, he would have noticed that the better covenant is primarily spiritual in nature.  The old covenant was based on obedience to the law, the new covenant is based on grace.  Bevere makes no distinction between the law and the gospel.  If he wants the earthly benefits of the old covenant, he’d better start keeping the law.  If he wants to claim the blessings for obedience to the law, he must accept the curses for disobedience.
A few verses later in Hebrews 8, we are told how the new covenant is better:
For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, declares the Lord: I will put my laws into their minds, and write them on their hearts,
and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.  And they shall not teach, each one his neighbor and each one his brother, saying, ‘Know the Lord,’ for they shall all know me, from the least of them to the greatest. For I will be merciful toward their iniquities,
and I will remember their sins no more.” Hebrews 8:10-12
No mention of super powers, guaranteed health and wealth, ruling cities or nations etc.  

Albert Barnes commentary on Hebrews 8:6b :Which was established upon better promises – The promises in the first covenant pertained mainly to the present life. They were promises of length of days; of increase of numbers; of seed time and harvest; of national privileges, and of extraordinary peace, abundance, and prosperity. That there was also the promise of eternal life, it would be wrong to doubt; but this was not the main thing. In the new covenant, however, the promise of spiritual blessings becomes the principal thing. The mind is directed to heaven; the heart is cheered with the hopes of immortal life”

If Bevere is correct in his assumption that the new covenant promises health, wealth, vitality, abundance etc, then the Apostle Paul must have suffered from a severe kryptonite infection “Are they servants of Christ? I am a better one—I am talking like a madman—with far greater labors, far more imprisonments, with countless beatings, and often near death.  Five times I received at the hands of the Jews the forty lashes less one. Three times I was beaten with rods. Once I was stoned. Three times I was shipwrecked; a night and a day I was adrift at sea;  on frequent journeys, in danger from rivers, danger from robbers, danger from my own people, danger from Gentiles, danger in the city, danger in the wilderness, danger at sea, danger from false brothers; in toil and hardship, through many a sleepless night, in hunger and thirst, often without food, in cold and exposure.  And, apart from other things, there is the daily pressure on me of my anxiety for all the churches.  Who is weak, and I am not weak? Who is made to fall, and I am not indignant?  If I must boast, I will boast of the things that show my weakness. The God and Father of the Lord Jesus, he who is blessed forever, knows that I am not lying.”  2 Corinthians 11:23-31

Scripture must be our blueprint for what we can expect in the last days.  It is clear what awaits us, and in fact the very first sign Jesus gave in Matthew 24 was the appearance of false teachers, not mass revival.  Furthermore we are told to expect false teachers within the visible church, who will fabricate stories and lead many to destruction through their smooth talking and doctrines of demons.  The love of many will grow cold and many will depart from the faith as a massive apostasy takes place.  The world will be in turmoil – natural disasters, wars, lawlessness etc.  Does this sound like a return to the days of Solomon that Bevere longs for?  Does this sound like the picture painted by those in the New Apostolic Reformation of a glorious earth that has been Christianised by a new breed of super apostles and prophets?

Bevere continues: “The members of the early church were referred to as, “These who have turned the world upside down” (Acts 17:6 NKJV). They too had no lack, for we read, “God’s great blessing was upon them all. There were no needy people among them” (Acts 4:33–34). They were so unique that often they had to convince military officers or community leaders that they were not gods and should not be worshipped. Citizens of this world viewed them as the supermen and superwomen of their generation. They eliminated sickness and disease from those who suffered. They shone as bright lights in the midst of a dark generation.”
A study on the apostolic age, purpose of the sign gifts, unique miracles at the hands of the apostles as well as their special authority would really benefit Bevere and other NAR teachers.  Furthermore, many believers did suffer lack, but their needs were met by other believers who went so far as to sell property to meet help those in need.  Those who suffered lack were not condemned for being non tithers, disobedient, sinful – victims of kryptonite in other words.  Their needs were met because money that was collected
went directly to them.  Today the needy in the church are sometimes the last to benefit from the Sunday collection. Fancy buildings, equipment and the pastor’s salary (rarely disclosed) are top priority.  Millions are pumped into the evangelical industrial complex, and in return a plethora of false teachings are manufactured and soaked up by lazy and carnal followers.

These day’s many of today’s celebrity pastors seem humble by foregoing a salary.  This is possible because they make thousands from the sales of their ear tickling merchandise.  It is also in vogue to have a charity or social transformation agenda, and followers are expected to sow into this charity after they have first given to the church or celebrity teacher.

Believers should shine as bright lights in the midst of a dark generation, but not in the way Bevere envisions which boils down to pure dominion theology.  He does make the point that we should be morally pure, but then he also believes we should be viewed as supermen or women, be healthier, wealthier and transform cities, and even nations who have military superiority.

Once more, he reveals his ignorance of the differences between the old and new covenant by asking: “Why were some Old Testament believers, who were part of an “inferior” covenant, based on lesser promises, living in ways far above what we witness today?”   At this point he reveals what Kryptonite represents.  He quotes 1 Corinthians 11:28–32 which addresses the irreverence of the Corinthians during the Lord’s Supper, and the consequences – many believers were weak, sick, and had even died.
“..if exposed to kryptonite, Superman became sick and weak—even weaker than the average human being. If exposed to it over a long period of time, he could even die.
In essence, the apostle Paul is identifying the church’s kryptonite. It weakens us, keeping us from walking in the power of the divine nature.”  

Bevere does go on to explain that not all weakness, sickness and death are due to our disobedience or sin.  In his interview he also identified idolatry and stubbornness as being kryptonite (

“So now we need to ask, “Was the judgment of being weak, sick, and
dying prematurely assigned to each individual who was sinning, or was the
body of Christ in Corinth as a whole suffering these consequences due to
the behavior of some of its members?”
Bevere now intimates that although we each suffer the consequences of our personal sins, our personal sins do affect the body of Christ.  He recounts the sin of Achan in the book of Joshua, although Achan had sinned, God said “Israel has sinned” and as a result Bevere writes: “.. as an entire body they suffered.” “Have you privately questioned why so many believers in our churches today are weak, suffering from persistent sicknesses and diseases? These dear ones can’t seem to get healed of these ailments, and some are even dying prematurely. Why are there so many single moms in our fellowships on food stamps, struggling to make ends meet? Why are so many believers unemployed or living on shoestring budgets and dependent on the government? The list of struggles that can’t seem to be overcome due to our weakness is almost endless. In the days of Solomon, there wasn’t one person on welfare or unemployment. In the book of Acts, there was no lack and people were readily healed of ailments, diseases, and infirmities. Why aren’t we seeing this today? Could it be the practiced sin of some is affecting the lives of many others? Could we be seeing what Israel experienced with Ai?”
Bevere is correct in that secret or personal sin does affect others and can damage the cause of Christ, but to suggest, for example, that aunt Edith in the congregation has rheumatoid arthritis, her pension payment is late, and she and has lost her desire to pray because a deacon is stealing from the weekly offering is ludicrous.  Bevere, like other New Apostolic Reformation and charismatic teachers do not understand the difference between law and grace.  They are also looking for and working towards an unholy ecumenical unity and standard in the visible church.
Bevere fails to explain how many suffered in the old testament, not because of their sin, but because of their obedience: “Others suffered mocking and flogging, and even chains and imprisonment. They were stoned, they were sawn in two, they were killed with the sword. They went about in skins of sheep and goats, destitute, afflicted, mistreatedof whom the world was not worthy—wandering about in deserts and mountains, and in dens and caves of the earth. And all these, though commended through their faith, did not receive what was promised, since God had provided something better for us, that apart from us they should not be made perfect.” Hebrews 11:36-40

Its really a pity that Bevere continues to make the same errors contained in his previous books. This book is simply a repackaging of his false doctrines. Three chapters (the book has 28 chapters) are sufficient to realize that this book is based on bad hermeneutics.  Compared to some of the other teachers we warn about, Bevere is at least prepared to mention and confront sin and insist on righteous living.  However, because Bevere makes no distinction between law and grace, he drifts towards a works based Christianity.  He repeats the false doctrines found in his previous books – health and wealth gospel, dominion theology and a perverted “covering” teaching.  A 500 gram fillet steak with an ounce of arsenic is just as deadly as a greasy 100 gram hamburger patty containing 80% fat, soya, cereal and an ounce of arsenic.

This is what makes Bevere a far more dangerous teacher than the likes of Todd Bentley or Joel Osteen.  On the surface, Killing Kryptonite may seem a cut above the usual ear tickling books from the usual suspects, but dig deeper and you will find his solution to what he perceives as weakness in the church is flawed.  He makes no distinction between law and gospel.  He makes no distinction between the visible church and the body of Christ. His dominion theology, prosperity and health and wealth gospel are evident in the first three chapters.  In true New Apostolic reformation fashion he ignores scripture that paints a picture of a visible church that is compromised, deceived, and will heap up for themselves false teachers.  He justifies living the “American dream” as a reward for those who keep the law or follow his teachings.

Despite numerous testimonies in this book and others on how he has humbled himself, or learnt to deal with his personal idols such as golf, Bevere’s over inflated opinion of self shines through in his books.  If you are not familiar with John Bevere, we will close with some excerpts from two of his previous books in order for you to gain some insight.

Before reading some excerpts from Honor’s Reward, lets consider the apostle Paul’s attitude towards money.  While the New Testament does not teach tithing, it does teach giving – cheerfully, not under compulsion and according to our means.  It also teaches that those who preach the gospel are entitled to live by the gospel: “In the same way, the Lord commanded that those who proclaim the gospel should get their living by the gospel.” 1 Corinthans 9:14
However, in one instance Paul was willing to forego his right to receive money in order to not be a stumbling block: “But I have made no use of any of these rights, nor am I writing these things to secure any such provision.” 1 Corinthians 9:15
The gospel, not financial reward was Paul’s priority: “Nevertheless, we have not made use of this right, but we endure anything rather than put an obstacle in the way of the gospel of Christ.” 1 Corinthians 9:12  The great apostle who contributed so much to the gospel and whose letters are scripture, worked at times as a tentmaker among the people he taught (Acts 18:3)  He was willing to sacrifice his own needs in order to preach the gospel. Now consider the words of John Bevere:

I’ve gone to places where I’ve wondered why they asked me to come.  They put is in run down hotels, or outside – entrance hotels; they have no bottled water or snacks in the room, and no room service available. I’m greeted in the pastor’s office not with warmth and gratefulness for coming, but more with an attitude of: I’m expecting this out of you.  I’ve been treated by a few with the attitude of, What we are doing here is important and you are privileged to speak here.  When I’m introduced the people sit and stare at me with a disinterested look.  You can almost hear their thoughts: We’ve heard them all, what do you have that is any different.  As I speak I feel as if I’m on trial.

I come out of these meetings feeling worn out. I’ve spiritually plowed through the resistance the entire time, rather than being drawn from hungry hearts. Then the pastor will hand me an offering check so small that if his church received this amount every week they could not survive. I’m happy to report this doesn’t happen frequently.

I recall one specific incident: I was asked to speak at a conference with another minister for an entire week. The pastor shared that they had taken in over two hundred and fifty thousand dollars for the meetings. I was very happy for them. However, when I left they handed me a six-hundred-dollar check for our ministry. Barely a tip, and not a good one either; just 10 percent would have been twenty-five thousand. So it was a little more than two-tenths of a percent (that’s 0.2 percent).

I’ve learned it doesn’t affect our ministry, because God always gets us what we need through some other avenue. Every time in the past when churches have tipped us in this manner (I guess I really can’t describe that as a tip, because it is far below tipping standards) we get a huge gift in the mail the same week from an individual or we’ll go to the next church and they’ll give us an enormous offering. I love it, because it is as if God is saying to us, “I know.”

I’ve seen the faithfulness of God to supply for us, and I’ve never lost and sleep over it. My grief is for those who gave the crumbs; they’ve missed out on an opportunity to receive a great reward by honoring the one Jesus sent them.

On the flip side I’ve gone to meetings where from the moment I was picked up at the airport until the time I was dropped off again, I was met with excitement and treated with extreme kindness and genuine hospitality.

I arrive in my hotel room and am welcomed with a large basket of fruit, drinks, and snacks that I could feed on for a week. The church checked with our office for what types of foods I like to snack on. I’ve even arrived to find presents awaiting me in my hotel room, such as a candle, nice pen, shirt, or cologne. They put me in the nicest hotels in the area and make sure I have room service and other amenities that make living on the road more like home. Not only do they do this for me, but for my traveling assistants as well.

When I step in the pulpits I’m greeted with the people standing and giving a loud applause. They are thankful to God for sending them one of His messengers, and are excitedly anticipating hearing the Word of God. They listen to the Word attentively; no one moves or talks during the service, because they don’t want to miss one point. They welcome the presence of God during ministry time, and finally rush our resource tables to glean more from the books and curriculums.

These churches will talk with our office or me months and even years later and make comments like, “We turned the corner when you came,” or “Our staff and church has never been the same. It was as if we went up to another level.” I sometimes laugh inside, because maybe just the week prior I went to a church that treated us as common travelers. I ministered on the same subject and came with the same purpose, but the results were very small, and no comments were made after I left. It again shows it has nothing to do with me, but how I’m received.

To the contrary, it shows that it has everything to do with John Bevere.

“Time and time again I’ve witnessed that those who are generous in financially honoring their spiritual leaders are those who are blessed materially, and have enough to do every good work that comes before them. But it goes further.  What I’ve also observed is that they walk in an overflow of God’s presence.  Why should this surprise us? – it’s God’s promise?  Understanding this truth answered my question of why I couldn’t sense a strong presence of God in meetings where honor was withheld – where the pastor was struggling, or where I’m treated like a common traveler.  The people were not generous.  However once they became liberal and continued to do so, the presence of God was so much stronger in their churchwhenever the people of God richly gave, miracles, freedoms, salvations, God’s presence and prosperity would abound.” – Honor’s Reward: How to Attract God’s Favor and Blessing – John Bevere

The above sounds like the expectations of a celebrity, not a minister of the gospel who should be willing to endure any circumstance in order to preach the gospel.  Where does the New Testament teach that if a congregation “tips” the minister well, salvations, miracles, prosperity, and the presence of God will abound?  This is rank heresy from Bevere, and brings into question his motives for preaching.

Another book by Bevere – Under Cover, promotes a pyramid model or hierarchical leadership structure in the church, the very thing Jesus and Peter warned about.  It’s an abusive pastor’s dream reference book, as Bevere basically equates submitting to your pastor with submitting to God.  A far more appropriate title would have been “The Untouchables Manual For Ultimate Manipulation Of Sheep.”  Based on faulty exegesis of Romans 13 which applies to civil authority not church authority, Bevere exalts church authority to a level condemned in scripture itself.  Bevere believes that if we oppose God’s delegated authority, we oppose God Himself.  The consequences are severe: “Not only does it place us under the judgment of God, but it grants legal access to demonic powers. If we want to remain obedient to God and ,we have but one choice when it comes to delegated authority – submission and obedience.” p88  . And it gets worse: “Our provision as well as protection could be blocked or even cut off as we disconnect ourselves from the Source of true life”

In a conversation with the Holy Spirit, the Spirit said to Bevere: ” John, if I intended for every believer to get all his information, wisdom, and direction only from prayer and communion with Me, then I’d never have instituted authority in the church. I placed authorities in the church with the full intent that My children could not get all they needed just from their prayer life. They would have to learn to recognise and hear My voice through their leaders as well.” p147
God did place leaders in the church, not to dominate people but to instruct them through rightly dividing the word of truth, and setting an example through servanthood.  Furthermore, we are commanded to test all things, the Bereans were commended for comparing Paul’s teaching with scripture (Acts 17:11)   Bevere makes no distinction between leadership under the old covenant with that of the new.  His frequent use of old testament authority examples are out of context and comes to this shocking conclusion: “..when God places His authority on a person, no matter his private or personal behaviour, we may still receive if we look beyond it and honour him as sent from God” p116
This is in clear contradiction of scripture: appoint elders in every town as I directed you—  if anyone is above reproach, the husband of one wife, and his children are believers and not open to the charge of debauchery or insubordination.  For an overseer, as God’s steward, must be above reproach. He must not be arrogant or quick-tempered or a drunkard or violent or greedy for gain, but hospitable, a lover of good, self-controlled, upright, holy, and disciplined.  He must hold firm to the trustworthy word as taught, so that he may be able to give instruction in sound doctrine and also to rebuke those who contradict it.” Titus 1:5-9

According to Bevere’s teaching, if your pastor is a drunkard, abuses people in his congregation, teaches false doctrine, your job is to submit: “To resist delegated authority is to resist God’s authority. We should not take upon ourselves the pressure to discern beforehand whether leaders are right or not. Nor should we judge after the fact. This is not our burden, but God’s. He alone knows and can change hearts as He so desires.” p147

In conclusion, a little leaven leavens the whole lump. John Bevere claims to have conversations with the Holy Spirit, yet mangles God’s word to such an extent that the same Holy Spirit must be grieved.  Bevere is having conversations with himself, and manufacturing teachings that will ultimately place you back under the law.  Bevere does not rightly divide the truth, is unable to teach sound doctrine, and by his own admission refuses to rebuke those who contradict scripture. John Bevere needs to be marked and avoided, he teaches false doctrine, and clearly violates 1 Peter 5: 2-3:
shepherd the flock of God that is among you, exercising oversight, not under compulsion, but willingly, as God would have you; not for shameful gain, but eagerly;  not domineering over those in your charge, but being examples to the flock.”