Kris Vallotton fails to release purple bubbles, wants to send coronavirus to Mars.

By Rick Becker  14 March 2020 Two biblical signs of the last days are being fulfilled in our midst – the calamities in this world, and the proliferation of false prophets and false teachers. The former, being a threat to the latter – specifically the false prophets of the New Apostolic Reformation. These “prophets” for…

Kris Vallotton – For Thirty Pieces of Silver

By Rick Becker   22 February 2018 Judas betrayed Christ for a mere thirty pieces of silver.  Today many charlatans follow the path of Judas, betraying the Lord and the true gospel for money.  Kris Vallotton of Bethel church is one such charlatan.  Vallotton will be releasing his new book “Poverty, Riches and Wealth” in March…


By Rick Becker   12 July 2023 The proliferation of contemporary “apostles and prophets” is the result of a narrative that’s been pushed for decades – the restoration of the offices of apostle and prophet to the church. If this were true, then God has failed his church by depriving it of two essential forms of…


By Rick Becker   28 April 2022 Bethel Church is currently promoting its upcoming Healing School (May 10-13, 2022). “Activations, impartation, and miracles, miracles, miracles” don’t come cheap at Bethel. It beggars belief that Bethel has the audacity to charge $165 per individual for a slice of pie in the sky. Their “pie in the sky”…


By Rick Becker   13 July 2021 Bethel church Redding is currently promoting a series of videos called “Rediscover Bethel.” The goal is to clear up any misconceptions, and silence critics. Dan Farrelly, associate pastor and Dean of the Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry carefully coaches spin “apostle” and “prophet” Bill Johnson and Kris Vallotton through…


By Rick Becker    10 February 2021 The apostle Paul described people during these last days as being lovers of self (2 Timothy 3:2) Sadly, this description does not merely apply to the world, but to millions in the visible church who reject sound teaching and follow false teachers to suit their own passions. Paul…

“The Passion Translation is a better translation than the King James.” – Beni Johnson

By Rick Becker   13 January 2020 If you believe Beni Johnson, I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell to you. During the past few years, many pastors and scholars have exposed the glaring flaws of The Passion Translation. There is literally no excuse for any believer to use or condone this “translation” that originated…