By Rick Becker 27 August 2019
For years, discerning believers (all believers should be discerning) have been warning about the “ministry” of Todd Bentley. Instead of heeding warnings, the super apostles’ of the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) knowingly chose to elevate and commission a man who kicked and punched people desperate for healing. Isn’t it strange, that “apostles & prophets” who claim to have the ability to declare things into existence and predict the future of nations, have failed to recognize the abominable acts committed by one of their own favourite sons- right under their noses. It should come as no surprise that the fruits of a movement that elevates man and relegates God are rotten to the core. This is a tragic affair, because despite the fact that Bentley is accountable for his own sin, the super apostles’ of the NAR elevated Bentley, and gave him a larger platform. The world associates this despicable movement with the “church,” and the victims associate these elevated charlatans with “men of God.” Just as tragic, is the fact that leaders in the NAR refuse to consider valid criticism, and resort to the usual tactics by condemning those who expose their false teachings as heresy hunters or as having a “religious spirit.”
New allegations have surfaced – you can watch Bentleys response here. He disputes the “majority of the accusations” but states that there are “some that are true.” Bentley then talks about “faults that are many years old.” God forgives those who truly repent, that is not the issue here. The issue is Bentley’s lifestyle of sin, which not only disqualifies him from any form of ministry (not that he was ever qualified), but should have had him excommunicated from the church on more than one occassion.
What makes this whole sordid affair, not only an embarrassment, but also impossible to ignore, is the fact that it was a charismatic “revivalist” in the NAR or at the very least closely associated with NAR teachers, that brought the issue to light. Stephen Powell was influenced by Bentley: “My connection with Todd goes back to when I was a kid when I can remember getting his books and teaching cds for Christmas from my parents. Todd’s life and testimony inspired me when I was nineteen years old, fresh out of High School, to take five months off of work, lock myself in my room, and seek the Lord day and night. It was at that time that I had my first visitation of Jesus, and that I first began to move in the prophetic and healing gifts.”
Powell describes of a photo of himself which picked up a peacock feather on his shirt, somehow the photo picked up what he was “wearing in the spirit realm.” Powell claims it was “actually a feather that Bob Jones gave to me, um, when I had a heavenly encounter with him in 2014 right after he passed. I went to heaven and I saw Bob Jones and he handed me a Peacock feather, which is a piece of his mantle”
Divination involving false prophet Bob Jones is just about as big and bold a red flag you could ask for. So clearly, Powell is as deceived as the rest of the prophets of the NAR, and should be marked and avoided.
The details of the allegations are too sordid to publish here, but you can read Powell’s open letter here.
The goings-on behind the scenes resemble the Mafia : “Some of the witnesses I talked to at the beginning of my investigation have since withdrawn their testimony because they have been threatened by people involved in this network of sin and cover-ups. I’ve come across at least one witness who was paid off and made to sign a legal gag order in order to keep silent about the great sins and abominations he’s witnessed. And in some cases, I personally have been threatened with a lawsuit and violence if I revealed my findings.”
Powell also mentions how Knight of Malta and NAR apostle Rick Joyner (who is now in full damage control mode) refused to entertain his plea to address the issues regarding Bentley. Rick Joyner’s incoherent rants indicate that he is intent on saving his own skin, while at the same time demonizing anyone who exposes Bentley’s shenanigans. Excerpt from Joyner’s rant: “I will say this about Todd, he’s still being restored, but guess what, so am I, so are you, we still have a ways to go, and uh, I felt like the Lord showed me in 2008 that this wasnt the last big public embarrassement that Todd was going to have, or mistake, or sin, I was given the scripture in proverbs where the righteous fall seven times, even the righteous fall seven times, he said but they rise yet again, and he said Todd would keep getting back up, he would fight on..”
Being a “prophet” Joyner should have acted on this revelation and saved some from becoming victims of Bentley’s wicked acts. How many times will Joyner allow Bentley to “fall.” It does not seem to matter to Joyner, who is more concerned with Powell going public out of frustration, than Bentley’s sin: “I’ve seen the consequences of those who’ve done the things that this brother is doing … I was waiting to meet with him so that I could have something from God that I could give to him that might help set him free from the course that I believed him to be on…It’s a black hole when you start to believe you’re the police of the body of Christ but you’re not getting that from above. You’re getting it from the devil.”
No Rick, it’s a black hole when you protect a predator by sitting on information with hard evidence, while a bible lies on your shelf. Joyner’s reason once again exposes the root probem with the NAR – scripture is insufficient in their world! The the bible is clear regarding qualifictions for the ministry, clear regarding church discipline, and clear regarding false teachers! While Bentley was possibly stalking his next victim, Joyner was waiting to hear from God in order to discipline the whistle blower. It’s impossible to read Paul’s epistles without coming to the conclusion that he too, “policed” the body of Christ. What is from the devil, is the New Apostolic Reformation. What we are witnessing are the fruits of a man centered movement, with leaders who are willing to fleece and slaughter the flock for their own shameless benefit. The only consolation is that these wolves attract more goats than sheep.
Jeremiah Johnson, another “prophet” who has pulled the wool over many eyes sat on the information Powell provided for three weeks, and then in a dream, he saw Paul Cain and Todd Bentley with plucked out eyes, and Python’s around their necks. Johnson claims God told him the following during the dream: “And when you see all these things come to pass, know then that I am releasing judgement upon My house. For My people have worshipped these men. My people have failed to discern. In that day, when exposure comes, tell My people to not accuse, to not point the finger, but rather to ask themselves, “How have I contributed to all of this?” For the judgment that shall come upon My house in the days ahead will directly deal with the idol worship of men and ministries that is an abomination before Me.”
Jeremiah Johnson is the one who has failed to discern, I know for a fact that he was warned and implored to avoid Joyner the Knight of Malta, but he probably saw an opportunity for greater exposure, and has amassed more followers. As a “prophet” he has has zero discernment, because he considers Todd White to be “a voice of truth in the body of Christ.” Yes, the same Todd White who claims to be sinless, performs the fake leg-lengthening trick, and partners with heretics like Benny Hinn and Kenneth Copeland.
Johnson has now thrown down the gauntlet to Joyner, threatening that unless Joyner deals with the predator Bentley, he will separate himself “from Morningstar Ministries and will no longer be speaking at their conferences.” Those unhappy with Joyner’s response, can simply exchange one false prophet for another by following Jeremiah Johnson, who stands to gain as a result of this dispute by becoming the new trusted and reliable prophetic voice who appears to make a stand against sin.
But where is the other Johnson – apostle Bill Johnson who commissioned Bentley, helped “restore” Bentley. Bill Johnson was promoting Bentley as recently as June 2018, encouraging people to attend Bentleys revival meeting where Johnson promised “massive conversions and miracles.” If Bill Johnson took the time to listen to those pesky watchman, internet police, accusers of the brethren, and people with a “religious spirit” he would have issued a warning instead of promoting a predator.
Bill Johnson: “While few would admit it, the attitude of the Church in recent days has
been, “If I’m uncomfortable with something, it must not be from God.” This attitude has given rise to many self-appointed watchdogs who poison the Church with their own fears. Hunger for God then gives way to fear of deception. What do I trust most, my ability to be deceived or His ability to keep me? And why do you think He gave us the Comforter? He knew His ways would make us uncomfortable first.”
(Bill Johnson, When Heaven Invades Earth, p 79.)
Dear Bill, the watchdogs were uncomfortable when some spirit told Todd Bentley to kick an older lady in the face. Even the United Kingdom had more discernment than NAR apostles and were “uncomfortable” with Bentley’s violent healing ministry and banned him from visiting the country.
Let’s revisit the moment when Bentley was catapulted into the limelight by the NAR super apostles. If you have not read this excellent and informative article by Steven Kozar – We Remember: The Charismatic Day of Infamy, June 23rd, 2008, I’d encourage you to read it here. Kozar’s article contains a clip of the first part of Todd Bentley’s “commissioning” and some extra resources. I’m going to move on to the next segment, where an incapacitated Bentley receives prophetic words from the super apostles. I’ll post some excerpts from their words, with commentary below the link.
That was basically the Praise Todd Bentley show, but lets examine a few of the prophetic words:
“Apostle” Bill Johnson: “When David wanted Uriah killed, he sent him into battle, and then withdrew from him. As a company of people, we refuse to do that. Many revivals in history have been cut short of their intention in God’s destiny and intention over individuals because of jealousies and fears that get stirred up in the people of God, and we refuse to do that. We shape the course of history, by partnering with you, giving honor where it’s due. You welcome the glory, as well as any anybody I’ve ever seen in my life. I long to learn from you in that, and I bless you, and I pray with the rest of these, that the measure of glory would increase, that Moses would no longer be considered the high water mark where the glory shone from his face, but instead the revelation of the goodness of God would change the face of the church, and that he would use your voice, he would use your grace, your anointing, to alter the face of the church before this world, that the goodness of the Lord will be seen once again, I pray this over you in Jesus name.”
So Johnson & co decided to back Bentley, probably because of the so called signs and wonders at Lakeland, maybe they were jealous themselves? If you can’t beat them, make them join you? So they joined themselves to a literal beater, and Bill thought history would be shaped. Todd’s abuse has shaped the life of many victims, and we can only pray that they will find comfort and truth in the gospel and in our saviour. Instead of Todd outshining Moses, the NAR apostles created a Pharaoh. Bentley has not altered the face of the church before the world, he’s a farce, he does not, and never has represented the true church of Jesus Christ. The same goes for these charlatans running the NAR, they claim to hear from God, and speak on behalf of God to the whole body of Christ. Why did God not tell them what Bentley was up to? Where was Shawn Bolz, the man who can supposedly tell strangers their street address and the name of their fluffy toy when they were five?
Unknown “apostle” : “For the Lord would say unto thee that this day, you have loosened upon this earth, yea what I have wanted for centuries to come forth, a kingly anointing which will bring in money, money, money, because the business man will rise up, and they will go forth under this anointing, and no more will they stay hidden in the shadows, but they shall go forth into the political world, into the business world, into the military world, and great changes shall take place saith the Lord, because this night is a night where you started out speaking your first words about the kingdom of God.”
Wow, so Todd finally relieved God from waiting for centuries. The God that took a coin from the mouth of a fish had to wait for Todd Bentley to release money through his kingly anointing. This flawed reasoning is why these “apostles” can find no wrong with Bill Johnson’s heretical statement – God’s in charge, but he’s not in control. The only great changes that have taken place in the world since that infamous commissioning, are those that scripture predicted – an increase in wickedness, a great falling away – a deluded false church that have rejected the truth. Don’t be surprised if these super apostles one day have a commissioning ceremony for the antichrist!
Female “apostle” :“Todd the Spirit of God says years from now people will look at this time, and they will recognize it as when their God showed up and created within the church a new heart says the Lord, and I will genesis in the midst of the chaos in the world today, and I will not just bring a mending, but I will bring forth that which is new, that which is dedicated, that which is uh, uh decided, that which is pure, and I will heal the corruptness of the heart says God.”
It’s been years, and we recognize that a great deception took place, one that elevated a man, and enabled him to prey on people. Why did God wait so long to give the church a “new heart” ? All that took place on that day, was an activation (NAR terminology) of the impure and the corruptible. Will this apostle repent of her false prophecy?
Female “apostle”: ” For the word of the Lord would say behold the vanguard, behold the tugboat that is cutting through the ice of religious traditions the cool hard thing, the understanding of the mind of man will now bow to the reality of the revelation of the finished work of calvary, behold saith God, you have been equipped with cutting power, you have been equipped to go through those traditions of the mind of man, yea saith God and you are pulling the church into the realm of glory, behind you is a great ship that is laden with healing and deliverance and prosperity. This is the word to you oh man of God, arise kill and eat, no longer, no longer, no longer will men call unclean what I have called clean”
By traditions, did she mean expository teaching, not kicking people, doing things decently and in order, testing all things…you know, all the things that scripture commands us to do? If this lady and her fellow apostles believed in the finished work of calvary, this event would not have taken place. They are making Bentley into a kind of saviour, a deliverer, a king, a portal and glory carrier, this is pure idolatry!
“Apostle” Rick Joyner: “God has sent you as an antidote to that lukewarm spirit, and that fire has been birthed here, it’s been released here, you’ve unstopped the well, you have other wells to unstop, and other cities, and other places, this is just the beginning, and uh, there is longevity too, there is increase but there is also longevity coming, there are many wells, but there are also oil wells, and they catch on fire when you unstop them.”
Well, the antidote failed miserably, but Joyner was right about one thing – increase came, an increase of evil.
Unknown “apostle”: “Todd the Lord has made you to be a detonator, I see cables going around the world to different nations, I see Great Britain been set ablaze by the power of God, I see even as you go ito places that God says you’ll go even with the glory even like William Branham and the Lord says you’ll carry a portal anointing and whatever city you go over there will be a portal, there will be a portal that is opened up says the Lord, the Lord says you’ll detonate and boom, boom, boom, there will be a release of glory to the nations says the spirit of the Lord.”
Great Britain wisely rejected Todd’s appearance on their shores, and I wish these NAR apostles would stop idolizing William Branham who believed “the zodiac and the Egyptian pyramids are equal to written Scripture.” Obviously “portals anointings” don’t exist, but that’s the advantage of being self appointed apostles, you get to make stuff up, and your gullible followers fail to compare your ideas with what scripture actually teaches.
Unknown “apostle”: “Todd as a fellow Canadian there’s the word honour written all over you tonight, because of Abraham and Isaac and Jacob you’ve honored the generations that have gone before you, as a son you’ve reached out to the fathers and you said bless me, and you have blessed us tonight and so we honour you, you’ve honoured the word of God, you’ve honoured the spirit of God, you’ve honoured the moving of the Holy Spirit and the ways of God, and so tonight we just affirm that the rest of honour that is upon your life will follow you now in every nation that you go, and you will draw men and women to you, that seek honour and want to walk to together, and want to be what God wants them to be, in this generation, Todd Bentley, the word honour rests upon your life.”
And that’s where it went wrong: “you will draw men and women to you.”
The majority of this final clip contains a “prophetic word” from Stacey Campbell, who is quite obviously manifesting something. Bill Johnson, Rick Joyner and the other apostles stand idly by during this Kundalini type episode, during which Campbell compares Bentley to Jesus.
Stacey Campbell: “And Todd, I have chosen you because of your background, because of your background, because of your background, to release my nature when you release my gifts…to become a living epistle, like the word that became flesh and people saw the glory of God.”
I don’t know what “background” she is referring to, but it’s certainly not his biblical studies. God can use any believer, regardless of their background before their repentance and salvation! But it seems as if Bentley is simply repeating the sinful ways of his “background.” Unfortunately Campbell’s blasphemous statement regarding Bentley is yet another product of a movement that has elevated men and women, and relegated God. If we are to believe Campbell’s prophecy, It seems as if God had no idea what Bentley would get up to – but that’s the god of the apostles and prophets of the NAR, he’s limited.
Stacey Campbell : “The holy Spirit fell on me, and he started to speak to me over and over again, about a generation that would come on the earth that would do signs and wonders that would change society, and society would not change them, and you are a firtsfruits of that generation of nation changers that will release the glory of God in all it’s fullness”
That was not the Holy Spirit speaking to Stacey, we know this because she received a message contrary to what the Holy Spirit inspired in the scriptures – society will grow increasingly wicked, and there will be a great apostasy, not revival.
While all eyes are on Bentley, the silence of the super apostles is deafening. Their prophecies concerning Bentley were false, their discernment regarding Bentley non existent. Friends, this movement is not from God except in the sense that it’s a judgement and God sent delusion on a people who reject truth and desire preeminence.
Thank you. That’s all I can say….thank you.
In 2008, I was a part of NAR and going to a church with a very prominent member of NAR. Watching these videos brings back memories of where I was at that point in my life. All of this was new to me and appeared so amazing. Many people from my church went to Lakeland FL to experience this for themselves. They came back saying how powerful the anointing was, basically it was a hyped up experience. I am so greatful God showed me the truth about all this, it is so sad watching these videos now but so freeing knowing I’m not apart of it anymore
This is not the first time and it won’t be the last time. I think another holy war is coming, and this time very few of these so-called prophets will survive.